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The Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) was developed in 1970s by two Australian academicians-John Biggs and Kevin Collis.
Government of the Punjab established an autonomous examining body named as Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). The major purpose of estabishing this body is to administer assessment-only examinations for grade 5 and grade 8. It is only focused on measuring learning outcomes of these students.
SOLO suggests that there are five modes of cognitive functioning rather than the four developmental stages of Piaget. Biggs and Collis have provided a post-formal mode of development to describe shifts in cognitive growth beyond that normally observed among school children
Sensorimotor mode. The focus of attention (or source of elements) is the physical environment. Children develop the ability to coordinate and manage their interaction with the physical environment.
Iconic mode. In this mode, symbols and imagery are used to represent the elements of the sensorimotor mode
Concrete symbolic mode. This mode involves a shift in abstraction from representing the physical world through oral language to using written, second order, symbol systems that apply to the experienced world
Formal mode. As indicated above, the elements of attention in the formal mode are theoretical constructs without a real world referent.
Post-formal mode. The existence of this mode seems to be hypothesized rather than be supported by empirical evidence.
Pedagogy is the holistic science of education. the word is derived from a Greek word Paidos and ago, which means "to lead the child"
The word "education" is derived from the Latin ēducātiō (“A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing") from ēdūcō (“educate, train”)
In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university.
curriculum came from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adult
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge.Deals with
What is knowledge?
How is knowledge acquired?
ontology is the study or concern about what kinds of things exist - what entities there are in the universe. It derives from the Greek onto (being) and logia (written or spoken discourse). It is a branch of metaphysics , the study of first principles or the essence of things.
axiology is The study of the nature of values and value judgments.
Perennialists believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of everlasting pertinence to all people everywhere
Educational essentialism is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the traditional basic subjects thoroughly and rigorously
Progressivists believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one's education. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivists center their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abilities of students
Philosophy of education can refer to either the academic field of applied philosophy or to one of any educational philosophies that promote a specific type or vision of education, and/or which examine the definition, goals and meaning of education.
The constitution of 1973, article 25 gives right of education to every citizen
Nazira Qur'an will be introduced as a compulsory component from grade I-VIII
The current literacy rate of about 39% will be raised to 55% during the first five years of the policy and 70% by the year 2010
About 90% of the children in the age group (5-9) will be enrolled in schools by year 2002-03
Gross enrolment ratio at primary level will be increased to 105% by year 2010 and Compulsory Primary Education Act will be promulgated and enforced in a phased manner
One model secondary school will be set up at each district level
The participation rate will be increased from 31% to 48% by 2002-03 in secondary level
Computers shall be introduced in secondary schools in a phased manner.
The total expenditure of the government on education will be raised from its present level of 2.2% to 4% of GNP by the year 2002-03
The District Education Authority will be established in each district
The Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) shall be strengthened and tuned up to meet the emerging demands of MES and its obligations at national and provincial levels
A School Census Day shall be fixed for collecting data from all over the country.
There shall be regulatory bodies at the national and provincial levels to regulate activities and smooth functioning of privately-managed schools and institutions of higher education through proper rules and regulations.
School, college and university libraries shall be equipped with the latest reading materials/services. Internet connection with computer shall be given to each library. Mobile library services for semi-urban and remote rural areas shall be introduced.
Access to higher education shall be expanded to at least 5% of the age group 17-23 by the year 2010.
A new cadre of teacher educators shall be created.
AKU Aga Khan University
MTDF Medium Term Development Framework
B. Ed.Bachelor of Education
NAVTEC National Vocational & Technical Education Commission
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science
NCHD National Commission for Human Development
B. A. Bachelor of Arts
NEAS National Education Assessment System
Dip.Ed Diploma in Education
NEC National Education Census
DEO District Education Officer
NEF National Education Foundation
DPI Director of Public Instructions
NEMIS National Education Management Information System
ECE Early Childhood Education
National Education Policy
Executive District Officer
National Education Policy Review
Education for All
Net Enrolment Ratio
Educational Management and
Information System
NFBE Non Formal Basic Education
End of Year
NFE Non- Formal Education
Federally Administered Tribal
NQF National Qualifications Framework
Financial Management Information
NWFP North West Frontier Province
Fast Track Initiative
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
Global Competitive Index
Policy and Planning (Wing)
Gross Domestic Product
Provincial Education Assessment Centre
Gross Enrolment Ratio
Pakistan Engineering Council
Global Monitoring Report
Ph. D.
Doctor of Philosophy
GoP Government of Pakistan
Programme for International Student
GPI Gender Parity Index
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
Human Development Index
Personnel Management Information
HDR Human Development Report
PPP Public Private Partnerships
Higher Education Commission
Parent Teachers Association
Human Immunodeficiency
Virus/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome
Pupil-Teacher Ratio
Human Resource Development R&D Research and Development
Islamabad Capital Territory
SIP School Improvement Plan
Information Communication
SMC School Management Committee
IED Institute for Educational
Development (AKU)
STEPS Students, Teachers, Educationists, Parents
and Society
Inter-Provincial Education
Ministers' Conference
TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study
Local Government Ordinances
TVE Technical & Vocational Education
Life Skills-Based Education
UN United Nations
Mid-Decade assessment
UNDP United Nations Development Program
Millennium Development Goals
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Ministry of Education
Universal Primary Education
Ministry of Social Welfare and
Special Education
United States Agency for International
MSP Minimum Standard of Provision
WB World Bank
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education notes link
The Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) was developed in 1970s by two Australian academicians-John Biggs and Kevin Collis.
Government of the Punjab established an autonomous examining body named as Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). The major purpose of estabishing this body is to administer assessment-only examinations for grade 5 and grade 8. It is only focused on measuring learning outcomes of these students.
SOLO suggests that there are five modes of cognitive functioning rather than the four developmental stages of Piaget. Biggs and Collis have provided a post-formal mode of development to describe shifts in cognitive growth beyond that normally observed among school children
Sensorimotor mode. The focus of attention (or source of elements) is the physical environment. Children develop the ability to coordinate and manage their interaction with the physical environment.
Iconic mode. In this mode, symbols and imagery are used to represent the elements of the sensorimotor mode
Concrete symbolic mode. This mode involves a shift in abstraction from representing the physical world through oral language to using written, second order, symbol systems that apply to the experienced world
Formal mode. As indicated above, the elements of attention in the formal mode are theoretical constructs without a real world referent.
Post-formal mode. The existence of this mode seems to be hypothesized rather than be supported by empirical evidence.
Pedagogy is the holistic science of education. the word is derived from a Greek word Paidos and ago, which means "to lead the child"
The word "education" is derived from the Latin ēducātiō (“A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing") from ēdūcō (“educate, train”)
In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university.
curriculum came from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adult
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge.Deals with
What is knowledge?
How is knowledge acquired?
ontology is the study or concern about what kinds of things exist - what entities there are in the universe. It derives from the Greek onto (being) and logia (written or spoken discourse). It is a branch of metaphysics , the study of first principles or the essence of things.
axiology is The study of the nature of values and value judgments.
Perennialists believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of everlasting pertinence to all people everywhere
Educational essentialism is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the traditional basic subjects thoroughly and rigorously
Progressivists believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one's education. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivists center their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abilities of students
Philosophy of education can refer to either the academic field of applied philosophy or to one of any educational philosophies that promote a specific type or vision of education, and/or which examine the definition, goals and meaning of education.
The constitution of 1973, article 25 gives right of education to every citizen
Nazira Qur'an will be introduced as a compulsory component from grade I-VIII
The current literacy rate of about 39% will be raised to 55% during the first five years of the policy and 70% by the year 2010
About 90% of the children in the age group (5-9) will be enrolled in schools by year 2002-03
Gross enrolment ratio at primary level will be increased to 105% by year 2010 and Compulsory Primary Education Act will be promulgated and enforced in a phased manner
One model secondary school will be set up at each district level
The participation rate will be increased from 31% to 48% by 2002-03 in secondary level
Computers shall be introduced in secondary schools in a phased manner.
The total expenditure of the government on education will be raised from its present level of 2.2% to 4% of GNP by the year 2002-03
The District Education Authority will be established in each district
The Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) shall be strengthened and tuned up to meet the emerging demands of MES and its obligations at national and provincial levels
A School Census Day shall be fixed for collecting data from all over the country.
There shall be regulatory bodies at the national and provincial levels to regulate activities and smooth functioning of privately-managed schools and institutions of higher education through proper rules and regulations.
School, college and university libraries shall be equipped with the latest reading materials/services. Internet connection with computer shall be given to each library. Mobile library services for semi-urban and remote rural areas shall be introduced.
Access to higher education shall be expanded to at least 5% of the age group 17-23 by the year 2010.
A new cadre of teacher educators shall be created.
AKU Aga Khan University
MTDF Medium Term Development Framework
B. Ed.Bachelor of Education
NAVTEC National Vocational & Technical Education Commission
B. Sc. Bachelor of Science
NCHD National Commission for Human Development
B. A. Bachelor of Arts
NEAS National Education Assessment System
Dip.Ed Diploma in Education
NEC National Education Census
DEO District Education Officer
NEF National Education Foundation
DPI Director of Public Instructions
NEMIS National Education Management Information System
ECE Early Childhood Education
National Education Policy
Executive District Officer
National Education Policy Review
Education for All
Net Enrolment Ratio
Educational Management and
Information System
NFBE Non Formal Basic Education
End of Year
NFE Non- Formal Education
Federally Administered Tribal
NQF National Qualifications Framework
Financial Management Information
NWFP North West Frontier Province
Fast Track Initiative
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
Global Competitive Index
Policy and Planning (Wing)
Gross Domestic Product
Provincial Education Assessment Centre
Gross Enrolment Ratio
Pakistan Engineering Council
Global Monitoring Report
Ph. D.
Doctor of Philosophy
GoP Government of Pakistan
Programme for International Student
GPI Gender Parity Index
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
Human Development Index
Personnel Management Information
HDR Human Development Report
PPP Public Private Partnerships
Higher Education Commission
Parent Teachers Association
Human Immunodeficiency
Virus/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome
Pupil-Teacher Ratio
Human Resource Development R&D Research and Development
Islamabad Capital Territory
SIP School Improvement Plan
Information Communication
SMC School Management Committee
IED Institute for Educational
Development (AKU)
STEPS Students, Teachers, Educationists, Parents
and Society
Inter-Provincial Education
Ministers' Conference
TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study
Local Government Ordinances
TVE Technical & Vocational Education
Life Skills-Based Education
UN United Nations
Mid-Decade assessment
UNDP United Nations Development Program
Millennium Development Goals
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Ministry of Education
Universal Primary Education
Ministry of Social Welfare and
Special Education
United States Agency for International
MSP Minimum Standard of Provision
WB World Bank
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